Boyne Falls History

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Wasyl (Charlie) Skop

Wasyl (Charlie) Skop was born in Hludno, Galicia Province, Austrian Empire (presently Poland) in 1896. He came to the United States when he was 16 with his parents (Matwej and Ewa) in 1911. In 1921 he married Julia Makaryk in Detroit.

They had 5 children: Tressa, Regina, Julian, and Donnie and one child that did not survive after birth.

Charlie owned a farm east of Boyne Falls but in his earlier days he worked the lumber camps and railroad. He operated a Steam McGiffert Loader and worked as a railroad crew member. He later became a Locomotive Engineer, having his own route. He was the highest salaried man on the team. When the logging industries waned he received a glowing letter of recommendation from the Cobb & Mitchell Logging Company upon his departure. Later in his life he worked at the Boyne Falls Log Homes where he was a craftsman.

Wasyl passed away in 1980. Julia, his wife, passed away a few months later in 1981. The farm is still in the family.


Wasyl Skop - 1977

Wasyl Skop - 1977

Julia Skop - 1980

Julia Skop - 1980

Donny, Julian, Charlie, Julia, Jean, Regina

Donny, Julian, Charlie, Julia, Jean, Regina

Back Row: Mary, Joe, Sadia Kay, Elmer, Jean, Pete, Ann, Dick

Back Row: Mary, Joe, Sadia Kay, Elmer, Jean, Pete, Ann, Dick

Charlie in lumber camp. Third from right

Charlie in lumber camp. Third from right

Charlie in lumber camp. On right

Charlie in lumber camp. On right

Engineer Charlie. Secon from left.

Engineer Charlie. Secon from left.

Boyne Falls Log Homes Catalog Cover - 1980

Boyne Falls Log Homes Catalog Cover - 1980

Letter of Recommendation

Letter of Recommendation

Ellis Island passenger record

Ellis Island passenger record

Draft registration card. He was 47 then!

Draft registration card. He was 47 then!

Irene, Donny, Jenny

Anne Duranowska, Nick & Thessa Jasko in Detroit

Irene Skop Tressa Jasko Praska Duranowska Nick Jasko Charlie in the back

Leo & Mary Jarema on their farm. Tressa in middle

Charlie Skop Obituary